Introduction to Puroxi

2023 will be a fantastic year. Think about it, and it will happen.

I just wanted to start by acknowledging the poor people that have suffered from the earthquake this
week. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with you all. This is one of our first blogs. My web girl has been pushing me to give her something.

I want to start with an introduction of what we have done and how we do it.

I am writing this blog from Egypt, where we are swamped fixing water. The many processes we have are
stretched to other countries around the world.

I am reflecting on how lucky we are. We have fixed water in many countries like Canada, the USA, Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, Malta, India, Pakistan, Scotland, Egypt, South Africa, Zambia, and Namibia, and the list continues. We are opening
new countries daily.

Anyway, enough of that….

We have always focused on looking at the water chemistry before applying our product line. We can establish what you need to do with your water only because we know what we are attempting
to fix.

To do this, we need a water analysis. Our next step is to evaluate the water analysis and tell you what we think you need to do. Up to this point, there is only the cost of an independent lab and evaluation, according to your local dealer. This process allows us not to waste our time doing water analysis for customers merely trying to take advantage of our expertise; once you become a customer, you get the evaluation cost back as a discount towards the products you purchase from us.

We then go over the water chemistry with you and create a customized plan of attack along with the
price of getting started. We have been doing this for many years and have found that this system works best with all our customers. This is the base of our business; even though we specialize in agricultural water purification, our company has expanded into lagoons, lakes, pools, ponds, dugouts, municipal water, industrial water, house water, and the list goes on.

If you are interested in becoming a distributor/dealer with our company, please do not hesitate to email
us at Attn: Zak. We are expanding everywhere and have a sound system to help
anyone succeed regardless of their experience in our industry.

Look out for more blogs shortly. We hope you are well, and thank you for reading our blog.

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    Our Category

    Best Water Solutions Provider Awards

    Puroxi Pure Water Global Inc was shortlisted for the awards category, Water Solutions Provider of the Year! As highlighted, it was some good news. I can confirm you that you have been chosen as the 2023/24 winners. Congratulations Zak! The generic winner’s logo has been attached which you can utilize to promote the recognition and the official press release will be conducted in March (defined date to come